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Model and Str8Up obsession Italo Andrade is also gone:Īnd performer Farley_XX has been suspended, too: Videographer EyeFilmz (who films all of Rhyheim’s movies, and is arguably the hardest working cameraman in gay porn) is gone: In addition to Rhyheim’s account, at least three other users close to Rhyheim had their accounts suspended this morning, too. Rhyheim’s account has been suspended since early this morning: Today, there’s been another apparently malicious attempt to have Rhyheim’s Twitter removed, and Twitter’s reasoning is even more confusing this time. It took several days, but Rhyheim had his account reinstated after notifying Twitter that the false DMCAs were in fact fake. Almost two years ago, performer Rhyheim Shabazz’s Twitter account was suspended when an anonymous user filed false copyright claims against him for videos that Rhyheim posted on his own account.

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